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With so much happening in the tech world, it can be hard to know what really matters. [our digital disco] cuts through tech jargon and synthesizes how prominent events personally impact you.

Each week, I’ll highlight notable events and why they matter to the everyday consumer. Whether it's the rise of AI or the latest social media lawsuit, this newsletter seeks to provide an accessible analysis of what it all means for our digital lives. I'll keep you informed as we ride the waves of innovation together.

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About [our digital disco]

I created [our digital disco] as a response to the growing need for us as digital citizens to understand the impact of the complex and rapidly evolving technology landscape. I aim to synthesize the real-world impact of prominent events — highlighting their significance and providing insights on how they might shape our digital future.

Subscribe to [our digital disco]

With so much happening in the tech world, it can be hard to know what really matters. [our digital disco] is a biweekly newsletter that cuts through tech jargon and explains how prominent events personally impact you.


deep tech + caffeine // bizops @ SandboxAQ // prior forays include policy, int'l security, + fintech